\documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{array} % For better table formatting \usepackage{booktabs} % For professional quality tables \usepackage{xcolor} % For coloring text % Load hyperref package last \usepackage{hyperref} % For clickable references \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Configure hyperref package \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, % Color of internal links citecolor=blue, % Color of citations filecolor=magenta, % Color of file links urlcolor=blue, % Color of external links } \begin{document} Here is an example of a long table. You can see the table in \autoref{table:example}. \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{3} % Increase row height to a more typical value \setlength{\tabcolsep}{10pt} % Increase column padding slightly for better readability \begin{longtable}{p{0.33\textwidth} p{0.33\textwidth} p{0.33\textwidth}} \caption{Animals}\label{table:example} \\ \toprule \textbf{Dog} & \textbf{Cat} & \textbf{Fish} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \toprule \textbf{Dog} & \textbf{Cat} & \textbf{Fish} \\ % Repeated Tablehead \midrule \endhead \midrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ Example & Example & Example \\ \end{longtable} This was an example of a long table. You were able to see the table in \autoref{table:example}. \pagebreak \listoftables \end{document}