\documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{array} % For better table formatting \usepackage{booktabs} % For professional quality tables \usepackage{xcolor} % For coloring text % Load hyperref package last \usepackage{hyperref} % For clickable references \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Configure hyperref package \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, % Color of internal links citecolor=blue, % Color of citations filecolor=magenta, % Color of file links urlcolor=blue, % Color of external links } \newcommand{\foo}{\makebox[0pt]{\textbullet}\hskip-0.5pt\vrule width 1pt\hspace{\labelsep}} \begin{document} Here is an example of a timeline. You can see the table in \autoref{table:example}. \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{3} % Increase row height to a more typical value \setlength{\tabcolsep}{10pt} % Increase column padding slightly for better readability \begin{longtable}{@{\,}r <{\hskip 2pt} !{\foo} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash} p{0.5\textwidth} p{0.5\textwidth}} \caption{Dates}\label{table:example} \\ \toprule \endfirsthead \toprule \endlastfoot 1875 & Cats officially declared the best napping partners after a rigorous study by the Feline Sleep Institute.\\ 1892 & The first cat cafe opens, offering free belly rubs with every cup of tea.\\ 1910 & The Great Cat Conspiracy begins: cats secretly learn to use typewriters to communicate with each other.\\ 1925 & The invention of the "Catnip Cigar," a revolutionary toy that takes the feline world by storm.\\ 1936 & Cats form the “Paws and Whiskers Society” to advocate for better scratching post legislation.\\ 1952 & The first Cat Fashion Week is held, featuring tiny tuxedos and ball gowns for felines.\\ 1964 & Cats discover the joy of sunbeams and start a global movement for “Sunbeam Appreciation Day.”\\ 1972 & The Great Catnip Shortage causes a dramatic increase in catnip smuggling operations.\\ 1976 & Cats invent the "purr-o-meter," a device to measure their contentment level in decibels.\\ 1980 & Cats successfully petition for "National Nap Time" to be included in the workweek.\\ 1983 & The International Cat Olympics: event categories include laser pointer chasing and feather toy leaping.\\ 1986 & The first cat music album, “Meow-sic to My Ears,” tops the charts with soothing purring tracks.\\ 1991 & The launch of "Meow TV," a channel exclusively for cat videos, becomes a global sensation.\\ 1993 & Cats establish the “Whisker Award” to honor the best feline performances in human movies.\\ 1996 & The “Great Yarn Ball Explosion” occurs, creating a worldwide shortage of yarn for knitting and play.\\ 2000 & Cats design the “Ultimate Cat Tower,” a multi-level playground that becomes an architectural marvel.\\ 2005 & Cats establish their own social media platform, “PurrBook,” for sharing daily naps and fish recipes.\\ 2007 & The “International Catspiracy Conference” reveals that cats have been behind all internet memes.\\ 2012 & The Great Cat Migration: a massive wave of cats heads to the beach, inspired by viral videos of surfing cats.\\ 2015 & Cats launch a space program, “Operation Feline Frontier,” aiming to explore the moon’s cheese reserves.\\ 2018 & The "Catnip Crisis of 2018" sees cats rallying to replenish their favorite herb after a major supply chain issue.\\ 2020 & Cats run a successful campaign to get “National Cat Nap Day” recognized as a public holiday.\\ 2023 & The “Catlympics” features new sports like “Frisbee Fetch” and “Pillow Pouncing.”\\ 2025 & The “Great Laser Pointer Tournament” becomes the most-watched event of the year among feline enthusiasts.\\ \end{longtable} This was an example of a timeline. You were able to see the table in \autoref{table:example}. \pagebreak \listoftables \end{document}